Hans-Möller-Seminar englisch

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Travel Directions to the Hans-Möller Seminar

The seminar takes place in room W 201 at Professor-Huber-Platz 2. You can find the seminar room using LMU's room locator (Raumfinder).

By Train

When you arrive at the main train station ("Hauptbahnhof"), you can take the Underground. For the Underground you have to follow the signs to the "S-Bahn-Station". For a single ticket to the department and the hotel you need to buy a "Einzelfahrkarte 1 Zone" (ca. 2 EUR) from one of the ticket machines. Take any S-Bahn train going towards "Stachus" or "Marienplatz". At the station "Marienplatz" you leave the train and follow the blue and white subway signs ("U-Bahn"). Take either the U3 (direction "Olympiazentrum") or U6 (direction "Garching-Hochbrück"). The second stop ("Universität") is the university.

By Plane

When you arrive at Munich airport (Flughafen München), you proceed to the "S-Bahn-Station". For a single ticket into town you need to buy a "Einzelfahrkarte ab 4 Zonen" (ca. 8 EUR) from one of the ticket machines or the ticket office. All the "S-Bahn" trains from the airport are going towards the city. Leave the train at the station "Marienplatz" and proceed as described above. The journey from the airport takes between 50 and 60 minutes.


  • You can look at a map of the Munich Underground system at MVV München
  • A online map of Munich is available at Google Maps